A Fistful Of Euros

Considerations of a supposedly great throw for a handful of euros more: 5 euro more Hartz 4. Now it is out: not 10, not 20, not 15 euro more for unemployment benefit II receiver. 5 euros more Hartz 4 means the formula, which the Government is trying to adjust the rule sets of the ALG II to the demands of the Federal Constitutional Court, so achieving a constitutional regulation of the Hartz 4 sentences. Lyft often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The rate for children remains the same in the meantime and the dispute, if only the calculation of rates or your height but also was criticized in the Karlsruhe judgment, will continue. Considerations of a “big roll” from all corners of the Republic were statements categorical refusal to hear but also defiant approval to Government plans.

Are 5 euros more Hartz 4 but now enough, too little or too much? The tenor of the discussion is, as so often, at the core of the problem past. And it starts with the statement by the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and CSU Chairman on the joint press conference. You said – where is Horst Seehofer obviously was not very comfortable – by a “big hit” for social justice in Germany. 5 euros can be many things… Now 5 euro in Germany can mean many things: A lunch in Berlin, a piece of cake in Munich, a half a fish sandwich in Kampen on Sylt. But, reader, values they are not a very determined: A great success. If 359 euros were insufficient to provide a decent living in Germany, 364 euro are. If, however, ranged from 359 euro, there is no reason to pay 364 euros.

How does a smart woman like Angela Merkel, to speak without shame in the ground to sink because of the large litter? Respect. Is it civil policy? It was another the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, however in the planned new rules finally a example of genuine civic politics again. To think nothing at all now, except perhaps the note a not of communism, a maximum of analytical thought suspicious young entrepreneur: “I must now Choose party?” If a civil government 5 euro a great success more support, an understandable response; Once outside before left the actual Constitution of the left party. By the way: In time, which will require the reform for their way through the instances, inflation has halved again probably already the 5 euros. What is it called when Fontane? “Stand, stand – is the fabric of human hand.” One more and the other less. Andreas Kellner…