Administrative Law Netherlands

From a commercial business in the Netherlands – the Netherlands, you have to deal with a lot of detailed public orders. Netherlands – it is the welfare state and as a consequence, the government does not only performs the statutory duties – monitoring the social order and security, but also has the right to intervene in problems related to the environment, design and construction of housing and resettlement. The government is dealing with these issues at the national and local levels, issuing orders and taking measures to protect the public interest. More information is housed here: Down2Earth. Nevertheless, there is a restriction of government intervention, since, according to the administrative law of Holland – the Netherlands, the government is forbidden to interfere in anything, unless it is clearly not required by law. This chapter will address the following questions: what There are powers of control of state power in the Netherlands – Netherlands? What are the most common authority you have to deal? What the government's decision could affect your business? What requirements for the design and what permissions you have? How government can support your business and how you can appeal government decisions? The structure of the government of Holland – Netherlands Administrative authorities in the Netherlands – Holland The most important administrative in the Netherlands – Dutch authorities are the central and district administration, municipalities and water conservation agencies. K administrations also include such as the Minister, the head of local executive power (the College van Gedeputeerde Staten) or the mayor and alderman (College van Burgemeester en Wethouders). Orders in the Netherlands – Holland General Dutch Administrative rights are included in the General Law on Administrative Law (Algemene wet bestuursrecht, AwB). Major in the Dutch administrative law is the so-called orders (besluiten), which, according to the Basic Law on Administrative law are written administrative decision and not contrary to public law. Orders are divided into: the decision addressed to one or more interested parties; solutions that are applicable to all, such as regulations (beleidsregels) or regulations (algemeen verbindende worschriften).