Scode03 finest fashion street, Barcelona, Berlin, Barcelona, Bali, April 12, 2009 – the german Balinese label S-code 03 is in Spain for some time at the top now.S Code03 shirts are printed with original designs in the tattoo-style. The best-known shirt of the Sayang people is tea RED LIGHT CHICKs but S-Code03 don’t let themselves push from the throne, so are new motives and means long in the making. In the future it will also comic drawings and designs on the vintage T-Shirts, so S-Code03 will reach an even larger audience with security and continue to celebrate their successes. The shirts are now almost everywhere to get, and yet every dealer sold well. “S-code 03 shirts sell best”, so the fashion freaks SL from the Barcelona have the S-code 03 in the range. With a price of just 39 EURO, are the T-Shirts in the middle price segment and are affordable and can be ordered under for the majority of interested parties. You can be curious what the coming years continue to textiles by Sayang, Cologne will.