Bathroom Design

Dry the statistics tell us that less than a third of Russians use the bathroom furniture. And only a third of them have established specially made furniture – the rest of the usual cost tables and a makeshift lockers. But bathroom – not a small part of our everyday life. The organization's small but so important, the space requires a professional approach. Usability, functionality, compactness location numerous items in the bathroom largely depends on the furniture. Domestic bathrooms do not differ spaciousness, while foreign manufacturers are working on a grand scale, and basically create dimensional pieces of furniture are not for our model apartment. It turns out, need to choose the best of the domestic producers of specialized furniture for bathrooms. Firm "Aquaton" represents the widest range of bathroom furniture – tables with sinks, tall and narrow boxes, pencil boxes, mounted cabinets, including corner, mirrors and mirror cabinets.

Without exception, all mirrors are equipped with lights and switches, and some models also feature a special rosette of waterproof performance – in the bathroom can be safely and comfortably enjoy a hair dryer or electric razor. Each of the shelves is adjustable, the boxes are put forward easily and without any stress due to the special roller guides. Many models are equipped with laundry basket, which is always at hand and at the same time, hidden from prying eyes. "Aquaton only works with Western manufacturers of sanitary ware and materials, the name of any of the providers – already a sign of distinction, and yet even tested materials undergo revision in the shop: dsp receives a special water-resistant coating of melamine and polyurethane primer and top coat – a special enamel, resistant to abrasion, impact and household chemicals.