LovelyBooks presents the award of ‘The reader ‘ Compass’ Munich, September 13, 2010, read the book 36 arguments for the existence of God”by Rebecca Goldstein not yet? Then look only in the serial after new reading suggestions, but not at many hobby reviewers on the Internet. While only a few professional literary critics have discussed this book, already 19 detailed reader opinions including the winner review of readers competition can be found on the reader review 2010 “. Here, james king expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Caution! Irony-contaminated terrain! Beer ernstnehmen banned. “All are responsible for their respective worldview.” so the review by Tamara starts Rapp on by her nickname the auditor “is known. Tamara has published over 60 other reviews on and with their book review to Rebecca Goldstein’s latest novel in the competition of readers the readers review 2010 “participated. Over 320 readers reviews were submitted this year. Not an easy task for the jury of the author, prominently the reader compass occupied with Daniel Glattauer, Kerstin greed, Kai Meyer, Steffi by Wolff and Ralf Schweikart, to select the best reader reviews all submissions and award”to honor.
A modest, heartfelt and profound book viewing’, Daniel Glattauer justified his decision for the review by Tamara Rapp. “” My favorite line from this: linguistically finely honed, so finely that the sanding dust in the nose tickles and constantly irritating laugh ‘, the reviewer also linguistically very grinds fine! “At over 93,000 book new releases in the last year alone the critic can discuss every book in the renowned serial”, says project leader Mirjam Mieschendahl. The reader reviews on the net are a perfect complement to the professional book reviews. Each review is a man who loves books, passes on the reader community that love and awakens as the desire for new books for we want us with the award ‘ of the Thanks to reader Compass’.” In addition to the main category General book ‘ the authors awarded more prizes in the categories of special youth – children’s book and audiobook’. The winners are: Anette Leister for their review to the children & youth book “The great word factory” by Agnes de Lestrade and Valeria Docampo and Heike Geilen for their review to “the Schumann audiobook” by Corinna Hesse. Links the winner of the competition “The reader review 2010”: reader-review-2010 / download material to “The reader review 2010”: action/download reader review / is the leading Literaturcommunity in the German-speaking LovelyBooks monthly more than 150,000 unique users and over 100,000 readers reviews.