Building A House .

Let me tell you about how we were worth a house with its very feminine and non-technical point of view. Recently, our family happened pleasant and joyful event – we gave birth to her second child. And immediately the question arose of expanding living space. On that time, except for apartments we have available land on the outskirts of the city with an old dilapidated house, which was used as a summer residence. Change a flat on a large – meant to go into the incredible debts or mortgages (not yet known what terrible), so that the family council it was decided to be his own home. Here and in good stead, our old favorite summer residence.

The important issue of land fell away by itself, is not could not but rejoice. But came another – no less urgent. The house is made out of something to build. And even as my husband on something. On something – it's on the foundation.

About the foundation. It turns out, the bases are different. And what a foundation choose depends on the soil in which you want to be cost. We started exploring these most of our soils. Male, like a real geologist (or even a mole), naryl pits between the beds. It is important to tell what layer, and at what depth occurs. Interviewed all the neighbors on the subject of groundwater. After consulting with knowledgeable people, we have chosen a suitable foundation for us to further build the walls.