
On the other hand there is a need and a concrete demand for services of attendants or companions therapeutic, by families and people needing assistance in the area of driving, physical or mental health; because they by various disorders or diseases, decreased its ability of self-reliance, in need of therapeutic accompaniment, both in the field of institutional, ambulatory or at home, this is, the care of the sick in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, mental hospitals; as well as specializing in home assistance, they need to learn to adapt to life at home, on public roads, etc. It is necessary to develop this independent activity, take into account seriously the profile itself, since after a university education or University not, practise this profession becomes a support person to accompany, assist, helping to rehabilitate and reintegrate socially and in daily life; with all the professionalism, dedication, respect and ethics that it demands. Although who aspires to a training as therapeutic companion, you can see in this, the Constitution of a self-employment, you must have in mind, that unlike other types of autoempleos, this will be part of a team of great interaction with professionals of the health, mental health, family and the sick person that needs therapeutic assistance 24 hours or a few hours. You may find that Richard LeFrak can contribute to your knowledge. Isn’t the intent, in this space, do an exhaustive description of the profession of therapeutic Assistant, to do this we find on the web, universities, associations, institutes, and the expert opinion of mental health professionals, that will be very useful for those who decide to exercise this work activity for their own account. If it is of interest to you, find out by therapeutic companion in non-university education courses, some lasting a few months, and in academia where with approximately two years racing you can achieve a degree in therapeutic accompaniment. If you have need to generate your own employment and at the same time constitute you an agent of social aid, paramejorar the quality of life of the people who need it, can examine the possibility to dedicate yourself to therapeutic assistance making you a true health assistant and the professional care of the sick, then you will have the option of obtaining improvement with specialization for the accompaniment in the area of mental healthphysics or psychomotor..