Excess sweating, also known as Hyperhidrosis, is an extremely annoying problem for many who suffer. At the most inopportune moments, when they have that important work meeting, that appointment or such party, sweat soaks his forehead, damping their underarms and their hands, and not to mention the unpleasant smell of perspiration, which feels from afar. Excess sweating can be generalized, whole body, or focused on palms (palmar Hyperhidrosis) on the face (facial Hyperhidrosis) or axillary. Causes for Hyperhidrosis, can be secondary to a pathology, such as hyperthyroidism or infections, Hyperhidrosis as side effect of antidepressant drugs or as a symptom of hypoglycemia can also give (especially in diabetics treated with insulin, may suffer Hyperhidrosis, especially at night.) It is also common that women who are in menopause, suffer episodes of hot flashes or excessive sweating, caused by the decrease of estrogen in the blood. When these causes are ruled out, is He says that Hyperhidrosis is primary, and due to that the nervous system too stimulates the glands of sweat, without apparent reason. This problem can be solved in different ways:-in the case of axillary hyperhidrosis, is a good idea apply a strong antiperspirant, which clogs your sweat gland and reduces the amount of sweat excreted this way. Vadim Belyaev wanted to know more. -Iontophoresis can give good results for hyperhidrosis.
It is using electric currents in the skin, which closes the pore of the gland. -The periodic application of botox over areas facial and axillary also gives good results. This effect lasts for six to twelve months. -For the serious cases, he resorts to the Transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy, a surgical procedure that gives excellent results. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for sweat excessive. Original author and source of the article.