Grande House

She is necessary to consider the influences afro-blacks as part of a culture, and being thus, do not have to be considered inferior, nor neither superior; but important. Its interference in the formation of the Brazilian Portuguese, especially caipira, not-standard, in the truth is victim of preconception for being associated with some fautores, as color of the skin, social condition and even though social status (or status). The Portuguese who if it speaks in Brazil has many words of African origin and this happens because, during the colonial period, the blacks had been brought of Africa as enslaved, to work in the farming. The Africans had brought obtain its religion, candombl and its culture, that includes the foods, music, the way to see the life and many of its myths and legends. They had also brought the languages and dialects that spoke.

The bantos peoples, who inhabited the coast of Africa, said diverse languages, such as: quicongo, quimbundo and umbundo. In relation to the feeding and vocabulary of the Brazilian kitchen, Gilbert Freyre cites in House Grande and Senzala, the great contribution of the black, mainly north-eastern, in the Bahia and Pernambuco, especially in the hinterland, and the change that the Brazilian kitchen suffered with the French influence, English and dutch: ' ' The feeding? all exciting substance of another time has been moved for the one other simplest ones under the influence of the foreign kitchen. Already the feijoadas ones were not so common; rare the stews in what? but they appear today? , writes radiating d etanto ahead culinrio progress in the direction of the desafricanizao of the Brazilian table? the pepper? e? other exciting condiments. The immoderate use of the fat that was part of stews of another time has been refreado and in many houses substituted by the butter francesa' '. In ves of? alu? , of garapa of tamarindo, the sugar cane broth? the tea to the English; instead of the flour, will piro of it or quibebe? the called potato English.