The North sustainable housing return fund is a closed-end Fund for real estate, which buys apartment buildings and residential developments in the fast-growing metropolitan region of Hamburg. The return Fund has a high invest rate of 97 per cent. The monetary result is forecast with 7.1% p.a. before taxes or 6.9 per cent per annum after taxes. The return on Fund buying residential real estate from year of manufacture 1960 and renovated them energetically, gross rent neutral by up to 80% to reduce the energy consumption. The dena has investigated 350 renovation in its analysis of “Low stock”. While she has also noted energy improvements can be gross rent-neutral run. Christoph Marloh, Managing Director of real estate says about 24, the issuer of sustainability fund: “we consider the energetic modernisation of the German housing stock as a Community task.
The management of the Fund of North participates as investors mainly dependent on success. This model has already proven itself, like the cheap Purchase balance of during 2010 has shown “.” The sustainable residential real estate of return fund North is aimed at investors as also family offices with a minimum investment amount of Euro 200,000 plus premium. The initial expenses of the return fund to 2.7 per cent can be limited by this minimum investment volume. Christoph Marloh, CEO of real estate says about 24, the provider of ethical funds: “The return fund North was designed from the perspective of large investors and offers excellent access to the Hamburger market for apartment buildings”. A further funds for energy-efficient houses will address investors as Euro 20,000 plus buyer’s premium.
There, the initial expenses will be higher through the indirect sales. The return fund North for sustainable residential real estate is set to run until 31.12.2024. The shareholders may decide at any time a premature resolution or an extension. The Fund offers investors wishing to in advance regardless of other shareholders their share to money, according to the investment phase to a redemption 70%.