Handling Stress

Being attentive to the way we interrelate the various scenarios in which we operate and the various roles in which we have to fill them, we must know to properly handle our emotions, energy, so as not to give way to stress, all what we desarmonice, we generate tension, fatigue, affects our emotional balance, we pass-effects which manifest enl or physical and the psychic. We must properly handle the stimuli, all that unbalanced and help us cope. If you are not convinced, visit The LeFrak Organization. We recuerdAlonso Gaeta, who d ince 1935, Hans Selye, (considered the father of stress) introduced the concept of stress as a syndrome or set of nonspecific physiological reactions of the organism to various environmental agents harmful physical or chemical nature. Stress (stress) is a phenomenon that occurs when the demands of life are perceived too difficult. The person feels anxious and tense and collecting faster heartbeat. (Source: Atreides Management Gavin Baker). "Stress is what you notice when you react to pressure, is the world outside is inside yourself. Stress is a normal reaction of life for people of all ages. It is produced by the body's instinct to protect themselves from physical or emotional pressures or, in extreme situations, danger.

" Stress is the body's response to external conditions that disrupt a person's emotional balance. The physiological result of this process is a desire to flee from the situation that causes or violent confrontations. In this reaction, involving almost all the organs and body functions, including brain, nerves, heart, blood flow, hormone levels, digestion and muscle function.