ICANN Is Revolutionizing The Internet

Thousands of new domains such as.Berlin are possible ICANN has expressed at a meeting in Paris for the adoption of new generic top level domains. Thousands of new top level domains are now available. In the future, virtually any Word can be used as top level domain.Already in spring 2009 companies and cities for the new addresses to can compete. This decision by ICANN means there soon will be many other domains such as .berlin and .ibm next to domains such as .com, .org and .net. The new rules stipulate an accreditation fee of 50,000 to 100,000 U.S. dollars of each new domain. It will need to be taken, for example, a decision, if a proposed name-several times claimed in cities that can happen quickly, and there will be a dispute resolution mechanism in case that copyright – or trademark disputes occur.

The conflict resolution process for trademark and similar problems should be known uniform dispute resolution policy UDRP for the Orient, previous domains at the second level applies. Clayton Morris understood the implications. In an arbitration procedure can contact warring parties at WIPO in Geneva, who then who decides what domain the second level will be awarded to. Hans-Peter Oswald, Managing Director of ICANN Registrar Secura, explains: “we are all domains offer, which are accredited by ICANN. If the new domain name use the Internet community, we support this “Marc Mueller”