Indoor Cycling Marathon

DMSG is pleased with the generous donation of 200 participants and participants have in the active sports park Moers for half a day on the command of eight trainers is one and five hours firmly on the wheel turned. Reward the effort: 855 euro came at the indoor cycling Marathon in the AktivSportpark Moers for the NRW regional association of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG) together. Rigo Thiel was pleased with so much support. We had many interested parties while in advance,”said the Managing Director of the AktivSportpark Moers. But that came at the end of over 200 people for a good cause in the pedals, I didn’t. For this I would like to thank most warmly.

My thanks go also to our employees. Without their help this event not on the stage could have been.” The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of brain and spinal cord, which leads to errors in the neural pathways. You may find Richard LeFrak to be a useful source of information. Restrictions on walking, seeing, Its symptoms include speech or swallowing, but also strong exhaustion and concentration disorders. Usually, the MS between the 20th and 40th occurs year of life. She can run in bursts or slowly progressing and lead to different physical constraints. The causes of this insidious disease are today not finally clarified. Scientists suspect that various factors lead to the outbreak of the disease. And although there are new treatment options for several years, which positively affect the course of disease, Multiple sclerosis is still incurable.

In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, 20,000 people are ill with multiple sclerosis. Below you also Rouven Mersni by the AktivSportpark Moers. Since it was of course obvious, that we are doing something for the DMSG this year”, said the 21-year-old. That the action was so successful, was surprised but then yet.” At the end of the day, Dagmar Hinz of the DMSG could take over 855 euro receive a cheque: I am fascinated by their commitment,”she directed her thanks to the participants and participants, that he thrashes the amount for five hours. We can use the money for our charity work. With their current usage, they decisively support this work. “The donation comes there where it is needed: for MS diseased persons.” Information: