Land Registry Office Republic

5.8.Ogranichennoe ownership of the property when the acquisition of limited rights to property by citizens of Russia, the principle Reciprocity is not required. Such rights are the right to work – it's right that secures a building on land owned by another person, the registration of such an object in the inventory as separate property. Right to use – it's right to ensure the full enjoyment of property, except for sales subject to another person. Many plots of land were purchased in Turkey by our citizens on the basis of the right to build. The right to build an exception restrictions of property rights to land. In accordance with the principle of reciprocity, citizens of Russia and Russian commercial firms can not become owners of the property rights to land, but may acquire the right to build on the land and build a house on it. 6.Registratsiya rights to real estate Registration of ownership of real property and other rights are not related to the transfer of ownership of real property under Article 26 of the Law "On registration of property rights" transferred to Land Registry Office Republic of Turkey. Foreign nationals wishing to acquire rights to real property or the exercise of such rights should apply to the Land Registry Office for the location of the property. 6.1.Dokumenty, required individuals to register ownership of the Second January 2006 introduced a new order of procedure of registration documents for the acquisition of Russian citizens property in Turkey. Certificate for property (Tapu) to the Russians now issued with a residence permit issued for a period of not less than 6 months (previously it was not required.) A residence permit issued to the local police department at work with foreigners in declarative manner.