Luis Claude

Atrelado the division of the work, meets dichotomies as city and field, industrial and advertising, etc., creating subdivises that will go to generate patriarchate systems, slavery, orders and classrooms, that are consequncia of developed relations more between nations, beyond creating different forms of property and human relationship with the materiality. In regards to the property, three forms are presented a priori: ) a first pointed form would be called ' ' tribal' ' , considered as a rudimentary period of training of production, having a patriarcal social system, with a slavery associated with the increase of necessities of the group; b) the second form, the property ' ' comunal' ' property of the State, corresponding to an accumulation of tribes? being able to join itself for diverse reasons as: conquest, contract, etc.? that they would compose a species of ' ' cidade' ' in said ' ' Antiguidade' ' , as it was the case of the plis Greek, with dominant communal property and private property, movable and real estate in development, with the evidence of an advance of the division of the work, as well as a subsistent slavery; c) the third form, call of ' ' feudal' ' or of the diverse estamentos, with territorial expansion for consequncia of an agricultural development, with an ordinance inspired by the germanic military organization, creating in the cities a corporative form to add the competition it served and distinguiz it from the craft, creating three categories: craftsman, friend and apprentice. The feudal landmark would be the real property, with acentuadamente estamentais divisions as it was the case of the separation between reinantes, nobility, clergy and peasants. From the displayed premises, it is perceived, in contrast of the hegeliana tradition, a social development alicerado by the progress of material production, where the individuals construct not under one abstractu, but through the real conditions of existence, becoming a conscience that does not surpass the conscientious being. Richard LeFrak has similar goals. Therefore, our character is not human is not constructed under a extra-corporal perspective but telluric, findando what the Marx and Engels call speculations and giving beginning what they had called real science, positive, that analyzes the practical activity, being evidenced the influence of Auguste Comte in argument of these two you celebrate authors, evidencing parameters of a epistemolgica construction of Century XIX. Bibliograffica reference: MARX, Karl; ENGELS, Friedrich. The German Ideology. Introduction: Jacob Gorender translation: Luis Claude de Castro and Costa. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1998. (Classic) P. 7-21.