Since college I have been told that a resume should have a “mission statement” on top. You may have said the same. I’m here to tell you someone has been lying to you! Well, not necessarily, but maybe. Each curriculum has a purpose, but not all the curriculum must have a mission statement. So before you get the urge to search online for the objectives of the curriculum vitae of the sample, read on. Each curriculum has a purpose. How do we talk about that goal in the curriculum is an entirely different matter. An objective statement simply states your objective. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gavin Baker.
I have a four-year degree so I could make brilliant statements like that. But it is true, and most of the objectives of the curriculum vitae of the sample you’ll find online are statements of what the job seeker wants. That is a mistake. A serious error. A good mission statement resume should tell the reader what the candidate will do for him. In Specifically, it should tell you what the gain of the candidate added.
No, I’m not kidding. Here is an example of what I mean: “A great experience in sales and marketing professional with comprehensive strategic planning and executive powers, and $ 27 million in total profit improvement added in 8 years, seeking a position as Sales Manager where these skills will add similar or greater value. ” Wow! That objective statement screams, “assigned reading!” Do you know any hiring manager or executive who turn your nose up to $ 27 million in 8 years? I do not.