The global financial crisis has led to the fact that housing and land prices have declined slightly. This logic of events experts predicted in advance, but not all listen to them and, hoping for a 'maybe', bought real estate 'on peak' prices. This is illogical. Property must be a profitable investment. Therefore, to avoid errors in selecting investment targets in the future I would like to hear your point of view, what makes sense to invest in Currently, to get the maximum benefit? Many actually buying real estate in the 'overheated' market at very high prices, while credit use 'light' money. Now, to buy real estate can afford only one who owns a 'cash', but it's usually people who know how to properly dispose of the funds (otherwise how could they have remained with the money?). So today we are talking about acquiring facilities that are not so susceptible to price fluctuations. Changed and the motivation of purchasing property: at the moment the vast majority of transactions commit not for speculative purposes, but rather for themselves.
The highest rate at a given time market develops distant cottages. Demand for such properties in 2008 rose by almost half. Moreover, the majority who decided to buy a country house, located 60 kilometers or more from Moscow, expressed a desire to live outside capital is constant. On this real estate demand in the near future will grow constantly and pretty rapidly. Muscovites are no strangers to long distances. Many metropolitan residents are ready to cover distances of 300-400 kilometers to escape the pressures of a huge metropolis to its long summer residences.