Primus One Enters Series

Elabo now manufactures work table Primus one series. The elabo GmbH, further, makes speeches. The Crailsheimer technology leader in the development and production of Intelligent measuring and test equipment for the electrical industry and electricians manufactures his groundbreaking work table Primus one now in series. The numerous orders for the Primus one are now delivered and continues the production on high pressure. Our customers have industry experienced the world premiere of the table on the Hanover fair and ordered immediately or shortly thereafter. The response is great,”elabo CEO Dr. Jurgen Nehler is pleased.

He revealed the Primus one in April at the Hannover Messe industry solemnly and introduced him to a very interested audience. The response was overwhelming and are still there today. I thank our team, which comes to the strong demand by large usage”, Dr. Nehler praises his staff. The Primus one is by the elabo customers currently in QA and in electronic Development laboratories used. Our clients come from Germany and from all over the world. We sell to many well-known companies, including well-known SMEs as well as big German companies and global corporations”the work table, further describes the Managing Director. The Primus one is, also, like all other products by mounted elabo in Crailsheim, many parts produced here on-site.

All this is done in manual work, which requires a lot of care, expertise and accuracy. Hand made so to speak.” The Primus one on a European tour with the elabo pattern bus was up-to-date. The road show stopped in various towns in the Switzerland, Austria and Italy. Generally the high-quality devices, software programs, test systems and furniture from elabo used at the customer in training, research and development, production and quality assurance, as well as in the service. Successful new products and a first class new brand mark the year 2012 to elabo. But the highlight comes with the company’s anniversary party in October: elabo of 40th elabo will form working environments for people with ideas. Trade fairs Testing Mount The elabo control GmbH the technology leader in the development and production is mess – und PRuFTECHNIK smarter for the electrical industry and electricians. High quality devices, software, test systems and furniture are used by our customers in training, research and development, production and quality assurance, as well as in the service.