Sanitation device in a private house of the local sewerage system is used in the relevant geological and hydrogeological conditions of terrain, with no danger of contamination of soil and aquifers, used for water supply. Local sewer systems may include: septic tanks for mechanical wastewater treatment plant and dumping of sludge, filter wells and pit latrines. Septic tank. In this case, the sewage is built on the so-called principle of soil cleaning sewage. Its essence is that the first effluent from the riser comes in the house-yard line, then a septic tank (well) not less than 2.5 m3, designed for removal of a rainfall twice a year in which the fecal water and lighten through the drainage network goes into the soil.
Septic tank should have a capacity of not less than three times the flow of waste water per day, which provides the duration of their settling in for 3 days and the accumulation of precipitation during the year. Septic tank with capacity of 1 m3 per day. should be in terms of size 1×1, 5 m (or 1.5 m in diameter) and a depth of 2.5 m. Septic located at a distance of 5 to 20 m from the house and the drainage network in such a distance from home to the waste water erode the soil could not under the foundation and not flooded basement or cellar. Drains should be lower catchment areas of drinking water with the flow of groundwater. On loamy soils, septic tank must be located no closer than 20 m from the catchment, drainage network itself – no closer than 30 m, on sandy and loamy soils – no closer than 50 m.