Renewable Energies

There are various systems for heat and keep the temperature inside a greenhouse, as employment suitable cover materials, also the Hermeticism of the greenhouse, preventing heat loss, using thermal screens, whose use allows to maintain between 2 and 4 C more inside the greenhouse, with consequent energy saving. These screens are justified for use in heating systems. Heating by hot water. It is the most traditional heating system is based on the circulation of hot water or steam from a source of heat (boiler, heat pump, etc.) through a network of pipes. In the boiler water is heated to 80 – 90 C and the pipes are placed about 10 cm above the ground, which may be fixed or mobile. The distribution of the heat inside the greenhouse by hot water central heating system can be made in different ways. Thermofusion, with large, with a slight slope descendant diameter tubes.

By drive of pumps or accelerators with tubing of smaller diameter and a higher return water temperature in the previous case. It is here where efficient generation of hot water through solar concentration systems can be used, taking into account that needs to circulate hot water you dare pipe at low altitude on the soil surface, provides a temperature warm to the ground which is one of the most important factors for the growth of any croptaking this present an efficient team in generation of solar thermal energy is produced by the solartron energy company, it provides water at a maximum temperature of 95 C which exceeds the needs to keep the heat in the soil, also to be concentration has several important factors such as the possession of a solar tracking system that allows you to take advantage of the Sun’s rays all dayalso by concentrating all the rays of the Sun in a single focal point to generate more energy. The characteristics of the floor heating system by hot water are: to be heat applied on the base, the temperature of the air in the greenhouse is much more uniform in comparison with the traditional heating by hot tube hanging from the ceiling. To heat the soil water between 30 and 40 C can be used and therefore is a form of application of alternative energy sources such as geothermal and solar thermal. In terms of solar energy produced by efficient teams, resist cold temperatures since they carry a mix of water and antifreeze, but it is important to know that there are types of antifreezes that are not harmful to soil, using economic materials such as polyethylene rather than plumbing pipe more expensive steel or aluminum. In general, soil with alternative energy heating systems represent a saving of energy and money as well as being renewable and inexhaustible sources and bring great savings to reduce the use of fuels for boilers.