Rio De Janeiro

Considering the conformation of the nature, the inorgnicos materials are represented by minerals. Risks? they are residues proceeding from garbage that offer to serious perigos to the health human being and the environment, and that many times can contain dangerous materials. Selective collection and monitoramento diminish the risks of the garbage. OBJECT OF the PROJECT the challenge assumed for the group was to develop a proposal that came to the meeting of the necessities of the users of the busy building for institution SUESC – UNIFIED SOCIETY OF SUPERIOR EDUCATION AND CULTURE, offering a solution that is viable and passvel of being implemented; a project that contemplates the reduction, recovery, reutilizao and recycling of the produced residues, as garbage, for the occupying people of the building. Although the effort for the reduction in the garbage production wants either for educational campaigns, as for the increase of the useful life of dismissable materials, beyond the recovery of residues that can be reused as substance cousin (thus reducing the consumption of the same ones, but mainly diminishing the rejected amounts as lixos), they are boarded in the project, the focus is given in the reaproveitamento and recycling of the dejections produced during the functioning of the education institution, in the situated installations in the Square of the Republic, 50 – Center? Rio De Janeiro? RIO DE JANEIRO. The white public is the pupils, professors, employees, visitors, or any element that produces some type of I reject that he comes if to transform into garbage. This being considered, a population of 3,000 pupils, 200 employees, approximately enclosed the professors and controllers, and a floating public in transit, of 100 visitors, perfazendo a total of 3300 passer-bys.