Russian Law

Entered the land of the present Shanghai), when buying property foreigners, as well as the Chinese have to pay tax on the transfer document ownership, the stamp tax on the contract and payment of public utilities fund. By law, the tax rate on this document is 3-5%. Should noted that the specific rate in this framework determined by governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China, taking into account the actual circumstances of particular areas. As a seller, and buyer of real estate have to pay more and the stamp tax, a specific rate and amount of which shall be established in accordance with the list of stamp taxes and tariffs.

For example, in Beijing, the tax rate on the transfer document the legal status of 3% of property value and the rate of stamp tax – 0.05% of its value. Also, you need to pay a fee to fund public housing and other related fees. However, one should bear in mind that accordance with the immortal ideas of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao, private property in China does not exist. Therefore, the apartment is bought by 50 years, and the plot – 70. What will happen at the end of this term, nobody knows. Response to this issue will be known only after the promulgation of the Law of the prc on Property Act. ” Russian Law is no obstacle Living in small towns is extremely cheap. Take, for example, a border with Russia, small by Chinese standards 117000th heylutszyansky town of Heihe (literally – the Black River).