The blacks of the Amaznia in contrast of what it says some documents, did not run away because they were deluded by the greed, but yes for the fact to be damaged for its gentlemen. In short the main thesis of the author was that in the mocambos the blacks if felt free gentlemen of itself and, therefore could there live its systems of cultural tradition in accordance with, religious hybrid, where the great question is to be free. The historian Eurpedes Funes, it works in the dimension of Social History, analyzing Edward Thompson, in the domain of the History seen of low with the boarding of the sources through the indicirio paradigm and of verbal History. Tracking the fronts where the women had had inside of the context above analyzed, we obtain some indications that make possible in them to visualize its fields of performance. Funes speaking on the first form of adaptation of the black in Low Amazon, sample that the family was this first form.
Many you plant minors were composites of members of enslaved family. They are few inventories where they do not appear together mothers and children, being common it finds gentlemen possessing two and up to three generations of one same family in its properties (…) marrying it meant to gain more control on the housing space. It constitua the place of independia authority, to a large extent of the presence Mr. 20 This citation shows the important paper of the woman, therefore from the marriage black they had more autonomy, and that the family was this space. In Low Amazon the author shows the presence of ladies of black slaves, and between them feared the Half Macambira that is rescued in the following way: ' ' Maria Daisy Macambira Pear tree (…) is impersonatied as the symbol of the badness, being part of the imaginary one of the remainders (…).