In a successful team step by step the own goals wooden churches closer, July 30, 2010: for many people, it is not easy to track goals consistently and systematically. It starts initially still full of energy, but many projects reaching a dead end. Here the success team by collegiate coaching and experience helps. At its regular meetings, the members each other in support to achieve their goals. In addition, the team will be accompanied by an experienced coach and consultant. “The first hurdle is already often knowing exactly where one wants to actually just go. How is the target clearly describe leaves.
“, reports Josef Maiwald, who accompanied such successful teams. “Therefore it makes sense to define the objectives at the beginning in a workshop or in a personal coaching”. The successful teams usually consist of four to six persons, who – accompanied by the coach – regularly meet. Credit: Bizzi & Partners-2011. The people can be all from a company or from different. According to the given conditions meets you personally or organized telephone conferences. Drain the meetings as efficiently as possible, there is a recurring structure by the coach and consultant firm carries out: first the participants report on their progress since the last meeting. Then, it can be discussed what particular challenges show up and how you want to address. Also a collegiate coaching takes place in this phase.
Finally, each Member formulated the “homework” it done until the next meeting. “It makes sense to set the success team initially for three months. It is very impressive to see what progress the members at this time. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Steffan Lehnhoff. “, as Josef Maiwald.” Who want to take part in a successful team to advance his personal goals, can contact SmarterLife, or call 08024 / 4774457. company description SmarterLife is a project and a registered trademark of the company A to Gesellschaft fur Unternehmensentwicklung mbH. SmarterLife want to the Change of consciousness in people and companies help. Targets are conscious living and a sustainable success in personal, corporate and social level. The Internet platform provides a number of valuable tips, help and advice, interested specifically can do to act responsibly and proactively in the own sphere of influence. Motivate experts designated SmarterLife and show how it’s done: + business to act socially and to be, at the same time very successful + privately for a smart and confident with each other to ensure + fair play in all areas of life and business. While issues such as values, win-win relationships, personal effectiveness, health management, training, coaching and conscious, responsible action play important roles. The initiators of SmarterLife are keen to attract like-minded people and collaborators for the community and the network of experts. Everyone who plays to the defined values, can apply for this purpose. But above all companies and organisations, the social responsibility on the flag have written, are very welcome. Common occurrence and exemplary services can act as engine at the desired change.