Tag: administration and businesses


& ldquo; 27 OF NOVEMBRO& rdquo; DAY OF THE TECHNICIAN IN SECURITY OF WORK In the present time, one of the main challenges in the organizations, in full century XXI, is the knowledge, the ability and the abilities of its collaborators. The other challenge is the constant adaptation to the technological advances. These collaborators or…

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Japan Good

In one of my lessons it argued with the administration pupils on the Brazilian politics. It is natural that the negative points had been cited. Credit: John Savignano-2011. We even remember certain representative who is very known by the jargon: ' ' it steals, but it makes! ' ' , but that, however, he is…

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But to the adentrarnos in the world of the commerce online we notice that one was about a different system, with very potential. we do not make a mistake in them. Currently we work in this way, we are owners of our time and we earn what we want. The LeFrak Organization recognizes the significance…

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