Tag: climate & environment

No Life Without LPG

Long time but only a small part of humanity thought about is how and for how long as this natural and derived from natural resources energy can still use. In the course of industrialisation of the world, they were discovered different uses for electricity and gas. Long time but only a small part of humanity…

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Power Of The Heater!

Gas mini power stations generate electricity and heat. In a pilot project in single-family homes be mounted for the first time in the city of Mulheim an der Ruhr Micro CHP. Gas mini power stations generate electricity and heat. Combined heat and power has been used in recent years almost exclusively in industry, in the…

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Costs Down, Price Up – It

A measure, three winners! Know a better ratio better rental and more yield by the reduction of costs is a central theme. But costs and payback periods, as well as the rent assessment capability are important criteria in the implementation of the request receipt”of the modernization measures required by the legislature. 556 BGB, as well…

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EIGHT Explores Motives

Interest in electric mobility in the tourism and hotel industry sweet, the 10 November 2013 the tourism and hospitality industry companies in Germany with the greatest prospects of products and solutions in the field of electric mobility. This is the result, a study of the University of Pforzheim, in cooperation with the EIGHT comes GmbH…

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Telos House

According to non-official documents, the Administration, these subsidy rates excessively and this plans to note among other things to reduce material costs and to provide an annual limit of the total flow rate. Even though the known rules are classified in a few years as unconstitutional, the damage to the young solar industry may be…

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