Tag: electronics & information technology

Work Graph

The bar graph display PCE NA5, presents the PCE Germany GmbH, a sophisticated instrument that ensures a reliable monitoring of filling and water levels. The bar graph display PCE NA5, presents the PCE Germany GmbH, a sophisticated instrument that ensures a reliable monitoring of filling and water levels. Histories, signal changes, or peak values are…

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Winamp Sound

About an equalizer you can control the sound in your headphones an equalizer is a device or software module, which allows the strengthening or weakening of individual frequency ranges of sound reproduction. This allows adapting the sound to the strengths and weaknesses of individual devices such as headphones or PC powered speakers. Often, just the…

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Proven and intuitive Rosberg optimal conditions of (Prodok) with the AutoCAD P & ID interface has in the database-based I & c CAE system Prodok for a consistent engineering created. The relevant for measurement data from the process engineering can easily import from AutoCAD P & ID. All data from process engineering and technology are…

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RFID Workhorse

Thanks to the modular design, users many options so assembles his own equipment as he needed it the Workabout PRO series is based on a module platform and with a variety of hardware modules can be extend to WAN components, facilitate identification card readers and fingerprint scanners laser scanners, 2D imagers and Bluetooth printers. Depending…

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