Tag: history


Djanira, later that its father died, married the paraibano of Tapero Severino Simes de Almeida and was to live in the great house who was of its father, in the street Jambo Colonel. It says whom its children She reuses, Reuma and Antonio Huyamachita had been born in that house, and, later, when he moved…

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European Urban

These carried through urban reforms in diverse Brazilian cities (XIX and XX) had launched the bases of a modern urbanism. The requirements in the way of capitalist production had been constructed to workmanships for the paisagstico embelezamento in accordance with, in which we could perceive, on the other hand, the exclusion of the population less…

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Luis Claude

Atrelado the division of the work, meets dichotomies as city and field, industrial and advertising, etc., creating subdivises that will go to generate patriarchate systems, slavery, orders and classrooms, that are consequncia of developed relations more between nations, beyond creating different forms of property and human relationship with the materiality. In regards to the property,…

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Grande House

She is necessary to consider the influences afro-blacks as part of a culture, and being thus, do not have to be considered inferior, nor neither superior; but important. Its interference in the formation of the Brazilian Portuguese, especially caipira, not-standard, in the truth is victim of preconception for being associated with some fautores, as color…

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Robert Rosenstone

Existed this strong will to finish with the standard American of cinema without content and made to only entertain? excluding in this attribution the director Robert Rosenstone who had the concern in transforming the film into a visual speech. To display mazelas of the humanity in cinema screens already is something used for frequently great…

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Social History

The blacks of the Amaznia in contrast of what it says some documents, did not run away because they were deluded by the greed, but yes for the fact to be damaged for its gentlemen. In short the main thesis of the author was that in the mocambos the blacks if felt free gentlemen of…

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