Tag: society

Valentine Does Not Stingy

The ritual of giving gifts to loved ones is a compelling and powerful inner strength. Plato in the Symposium tells the myth that there was a time that the land was inhabited by a species of spherical persons who had two faces, four legs and four arms belonging to three different sexes: the male descendant…

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Alva Orlandini

14 The Plaza, Manuel.Civil procedural law Spanish, Ed. Journal of private law.Volume I, pag.294 cited by Garcia takes, Bordelli Lartirigoyen and Alva Orlandini (seen in the EXP. NO. You may find that Robert J. Shiller can contribute to your knowledge. 0961 – 2004-AA/TC.)Lima 2/7/2004. 15 MAURINO, Luis Alberto.Procedural nullity, Editorial Astrea, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001,…

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