
& ldquo; 27 OF NOVEMBRO& rdquo; DAY OF THE TECHNICIAN IN SECURITY OF WORK In the present time, one of the main challenges in the organizations, in full century XXI, is the knowledge, the ability and the abilities of its collaborators. The other challenge is the constant adaptation to the technological advances. These collaborators or cooperadores have that to be antenados with these evolutions in its area of performance. In this text we go to speak of the professional of the area of Security of the Work, in special of the Technician in Security of the Work, this professional has that to directly have a flexible and focused profile in the Prevention of Losses, and three basic factors: Human beings, Environment and Patrimony. The professional technician in security, beyond flexibility, it will have that to day-by-day use an important tool in its that is the KEY: Knowledge, Ability, Attitude, Values and Ethics. KNOWLEDGE: Acquired in the theory during the time of the course. tware Market Size brings even more insight to the discussion. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City. ABILITY: Techniques and tools used and developed, during the course and in the supervised period of training.

ATTITUDE: To be based in the concepts and tools, using already existing and developing the news, and placing them in practical. VALUES: To defend its personal values adding to the values, vision and mission of the organization. ETHICS: Staff and professional. The technician in security to have success in the organization, has that to aim at optimum organizacional climate, and to interact with all the departments of the company. It is still necessary to integrate the activities with the security of the work and the too much processes, and, thus, to add value in the final activity of the company, and with actions come back toward the Plan of Continuity of the Businesses of the organization. Identifying in the work environment the complexity of the businesses of the company, to establish a linking between daily practical the theoretical contributions and its.