Telos House

According to non-official documents, the Administration, these subsidy rates excessively and this plans to note among other things to reduce material costs and to provide an annual limit of the total flow rate. Even though the known rules are classified in a few years as unconstitutional, the damage to the young solar industry may be significant. The return on funds for sustainable housing: The funds invest in objects in North German cities built 1960 and pursue energetically sustainable exploitation of the stock to be purchased. Residential real estate are responsible for more than 30 percent of primary energy demand. The primary energy requirement can be reduced depending on the year of manufacture up to 80% energy modernisation.

For the existing properties of the first yield Fund, a primary energy consumption of less than 100 kWh/m2a is as well as a total savings of 102 million kilowatt hours according to 10.2 million LTR. intends to fuel oil. With the energy saved could produce heat insulation material for a city of more than 4,000 single family homes. The Fund combines a planned after tax yield of 6,9Prozent p.a. with the improved protection of tenants against rising energy prices.

The current payments amount to an average 4.6% p.a.. They start at 2.7 percent in 2011 and rise to 7% per year to the end of the term. At the end of the term, a further withdrawal to investors from the foretasted capital gain.