5. Good credit is expensive. Unfortunately, it's true. When getting a mortgage the borrower must be ready for a significant lump sum payment. For example, only for the consideration of an application by the credit committee (With no guarantee of results) will need to pay more than $ 100. Here, Le Blue Goose expresses very clear opinions on the subject. After selecting an object will need to pay for its independent assessment (assessor Bank) – $ 100-150. For opening a bank account are paid from 0,75% to 1% of the loan amount.
After buying also required to pay the premiums – 1,5-1,8% of the loan. 6. Kopi money for a down payment. The initial payment (the amount you need to make a purchase of an apartment on your own) is in various banks from 20-30% of the price. There are two ways to do without an initial payment: – a loan for consumer purposes (the amount received is embedded in the purchase of an apartment) – conducting transactions on the exchange of mortgage scheme. In as an initial contribution will be credited the money raised from the sale of existing estate. 7. How much money the bank will – so flat and costs (on clothes Stretch legs!) If the bank gives the borrower to obtain a permit credit for a certain amount, the client receives exactly her, regardless of the actual value of the apartment. If the bank gave permission to the borrower for a loan of $ 30,000, and the borrower expects exactly that amount – borrowing it (just this amount) Oops! Because the bank stipulates that a credit will not exceed 80% (or 70% – depending on the bank) of the purchase price.