Locks are protected against drilling and blocked when you try to knock. The logical question is, can we trust the results obtained in testing laboratories? The most trained and technically equipped laboratories are Kiev – is to trust them. All foreign manufacturers were able to confirm the classes of Ukraine breaking their resistance safes, that turn is a confirmation of highly qualified test laboratories and Kiev stringency DSTU 4012.1-2001. As the number of units of resistance Vr is determined resistance to cracking. This conventional numerical value is calculated by multiplying the "time test" to "rate instrument," which characterizes technical "performance" tool to the resulting number is added to the sum of "basic values" which indicate the problems associated with the preparation and delivery tool. There are 10 classes of burglary, are assigned to in accordance with the time needed for full or partial access to the contents safe. The most popular in the home are safe Class I, II, III, IV and V.
Characteristics are the lowest safe Class I, therefore, are recommended in protected areas. Class II allows you to keep safe in a room with no protection, but if his attachment to the floor. Class III safes for storing important values, and the heavy model classes IV and V with a layer of concrete used in banks. Each instrument, which is used in case of burglary safes, attributed to a specific factor of resistance. At a gas torch it is 7.5, with an electric drill – 5, while conventional chisel – not more than 5. Thus, the protection of the safe in terms of a net time for which it can be hacked, multiplied by a factor of a particular instrument. Net time – a period when work is done open. Therefore, real-time breaking a lot more test: crackers have to do everything as quiet as possible so as not to attract attention.