This is despite the fact that the person employed from 9-00 to 18-00, there is only Saturday, but not all banks it working! If you add more credit unions, and market operators potrebkreditovaniya? This implies the emergence of the first prerequisite in the chain of "client-bank" of a new actor – a credit broker. The very notion came not from us, like many other things it has come from the civilized West. There has been rapid development banks and the same confusion in the proposals. At this point in the Western mills for help from credit brokers turn 8 out of 10 borrowers in the U.S. up to 80% of mortgage loans issued by mortgage brokers. Sooner or later This situation will be with us. Dell Client Solutions brings even more insight to the discussion. At the moment, the ratio of loans granted by credit broker to the total number of loans granted by banks, and constantly growing. However, in the development of credit brokers in Ukraine there are several problems.
It is considered that the services of a credit broker used mostly troubled borrowers, or those who are just too lazy to spend time gathering information. In the minds of our borrowers still sitting purely psychological negative attitude to any kind of mediation. Undermine the image of the so-called "black brokers". Open the newspaper ads and you will see suggestions for the type "you everywhere refused a loan? 100% guarantee of obtaining the required amount! ". In this case you are not insured against fraud.
Way to obtain a loan in such a situation often lies through unscrupulous employees of the bank, machinations documents, etc. I think it makes no sense to talk about the possibility of permanently stained their credit reputation. For the bank, it also has negative consequences. Therefore, banks are very cautious approach to the issue of cooperation with credit broker. Only in exceptional circumstances are established contractual relations between credit brokers and banks. Availability of credit broker agreements with banks (not necessarily with one!) Is the most important criterion in choosing a credit intermediary. White brokers "are focused on long-term cooperation with customers and creating excellent business reputation. They work in accordance with established rules of the market. Very often, information on borrowers with some credit broker is transmitted through friends, acquaintances, and it is important to ensure maximum customer support and invite him to do the most favorable terms. Cooperation with this type of benefit brokers and banks. By and large, the bank is not so important, a man came himself or brought his broker. It is important to attract good new customers. Mortgage broker earns a commission of the bank. Usually it is from 0,5% to 1% depending on the amount of the transaction. There are a small number of credit brokers, which could, signing lucrative contracts with the banks having a large customer base and good reputation, afford to provide services to clients for free, without requiring them to material compensation. This scheme is most advantageous for the client, and as a consequence of this fact, has a tendency to more frequent use of its majority major credit brokers.