Suslov, Dmitry E., 26, civil servant (the Office for Youth) – While it is not necessary for me issue a home purchase, even though I live in a rented apartment in Kirov. I think to buy a home, you need some kind of framework, either already existing property, or a lot of money. For me, this is unrealistic. But today’s housing program – it alternative, especially for young people. – What are you willing to choose from what is now being offered? – To explore all possible options, compare the pros and cons and choose the most suitable for me. Bazhin Valery Semenovich, 60, welder. Before, people worked at the factory and a year or two get a room, and now does not.
Many are taking a mortgage, but over time they see that can not pay and are forced to sell through the courts what they bought. I live in a studio apartment together with her mother. Kuznetsova, Tamara, 65, cultural worker. n. Sinegorye, Nagorskii area. I really like the Kirov, is very nice, beautiful city, but I live in the area and move here is not yet possible.
The reason – the lack of housing. Pensioner can not afford to buy an apartment. Even young people are not all on drugs. Here’s my son and his family still live in a dorm. Room of 12 square meters. m he received from a tire factory, where he worked for 20 years. But even before the restructuring was first in the queue for housing, but since then nothing has changed. With a factory son is gone, now working in the police. While there is no prospect, if only to give the administration the hostel accommodation in the property, will warrant, and then it already can be bought and sold another apartment. In the meantime, and the three of us live in the 12 meters. We have Sinegorye only can buy a home in Kirov, who is engaged in some business, such as forestry. Kirov with an average salary just more than 6 thousand buying a home is too expensive, and therefore, while it is not available. But in our region developed the program “Development of Housing in the Kirov region in 2007 – 2009 years” promises to extend the construction sector and stabilize housing prices.