Distilled water is that which comes from the natural evaporation by temperature rise and once in the atmosphere falls again because of the cold in the form of rain, spray or snow. This is achieved artificially thanks to a still that mimics this process of nature in pollutant-free stainless steel appliances. Who says that water must carry minerals, seems unaware that inorganic minerals in the water are not useful to human beings or animals, only plants take advantage of inorganic minerals and transform them into organic, and this argument has been proved scientifically. Therefore our body only uses organic minerals eating raw fruits and vegetables, but the minerals contained in the water are removed through urine without profiting the least, on the contrary, if you drink water with a portion high in minerals and in large quantities, stones in kidneys and other organs may occur. By the same author: Kenneth R. Feinberg. By steam distillation is the method used by nature to purify the water. the distilled water has no color, odor or taste is pure; However, when one drinks it seem delicious. When one has a still at home and someone drink your water, without knowing that it is distilled water, insurance that you will comment on his good taste. The distilled water has no external memory, until scientists have been aware that can store information in several ways in distilled water and then use this information.
Mineral medicine does this, when one leaves a quartz or another mineral in distilled water for twenty-four hours, energy and the Quartz or the stone entered information is printed in the water and one benefits when you drink it, since there is an alchemical transformation that converts the water in a specific, effective, simple, non-toxic medicine and without any side effects or contraindicationsbeing the worst that can happen that do not pass anything. The only problem with the distilled water is that you lose all the information stored on it, therefore recommend to who are encouraged to take distilled water before drinking restructure it, energetice and charge information. As? Pouring water from one container to another from a height of at least half a meter several times. Boost it as it is done in homeopathy, shaking her tightly before drinking. As demonstrated by Masaru Emoto, until the words and thoughts influence water. Paste a label with a keyword in the jar: love, harmony, health also in the market to sell activators of water. All this may seem child magic but is scientifically proven.