Maybe I’m thinking about changing television. In 2010 will take place on a Apagon analogicoa , ie, different TV channels will cease to broadcast the analog signal that we used a lifetime and will exclusively digital broadcasting, which is what is known as Digital Terrestrial Television. Do I have to throw my TV and buy a flat screen to watch the new digital television? The answer is no. Just buy a DTT receiver and connect to the TV tube life to use the digital signal. So, why should I buy a whole TV if I can buy only Free-view receiver? Obviously there is no need to buy a flat screen TV, but it offers many advantages: – Today, almost all integrated DTT receiver (also known as DVB-T) – occupy much less space – They reach much larger formats (over 100 inches ) – You can broadcast in high resolution (HD) and full high-resolution (Full HD), with a quality much larger image. – No blinking occur – The screen is flat, not curved. – As technology has great potential to evolve significantly and quickly, offering more benefits at a time.
– Consume less than tube TVs. – Due to its size, also improves aesthetics. – Prices are significantly reducing What types of televisions are flat? The offer is varied, including the following technologies: – TFT LCD (TFT = Thin Film Transistor, LCD = Liquid Crystal Display) The liquid crystal is the key to this technology. Used as a light filter, letting through only the light needed to create the image you are looking for. Clayton Morris recognizes the significance of this.