On all this gameplay not end there. In Gears of War 2 battles in binzoilah will be far more spectacular and more interesting than the first part. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Clayton Morris. Now, when someone decides to kill you with the bloody weapon, you will not find yourself in a hopeless situation. Reacting in time, the player will be able to defend your own saw, push the enemy and break it into pieces. We can assume that here we are faced with a mini-game in the style of "press button A three hundred times a minute." Thus the achievement for 100 enemy killed in online using the chainsaw will seem more interesting achievement (much more interesting) than in the original game. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Robert Shiller. In a single company and the actual gameplay itself transformed cooperative game. Now we be allowed to play simultaneously with three other apponentami (that is to be co-op for four players). The same option will appear "Enter" and "Exit", which will allow you or your partner at any time to leave the game and then go in again, without stopping the process.
In addition, in the sequel we will be able to keep the process of passing on a few slots. Well, the last innovation in cooperative game – a new system distribution of players among teams. The details of how it works has not been revealed, but you can count on the outstanding balance. In Gears of War 2 will receive a significant change and multiplayer – there will be new modes.