Allergic Rinitis, polinosis, or fever of the hay. It does not matter we call how it, the case is that one of each 7 Spaniards suffers of allergy in Spring. A disease that has occurred from always, but which it began to study in 1819, when the doctor and British geologist John Bostock wrote a book describing its own symptoms. In Summer, their eyes and nose were the victims of an affection that, like was the fashion at the time, was called fever. And it thought that it had to the hay. Half century later, doctor Charles Blakely, another eminent allergic one, was first in correctly identiicar the cause of its symptoms: pollen. And what can be made to avoid the symptoms? – The first advice is evident.
To take an antihistamine medicine when the feeling the first symptoms. Although the certain thing is related to them to drowsiness, is that the symptoms exist already antihistamine of second generation, like Clarityne, that no longer produces these effects, alleviating without causing loss of attention nor dream. It is important to fulfill the indications of phamacist and prospectus. – To know what is your allergy. If you know it causes what it, you will be able to know how how to avoid it. – Mudar the clothes when arriving at house. Our articles and hair will have rest of pollen, so the ideal is to occur a shower and to change. In addition, the use in the street of sun glasses can avoid that many particles enter the eyes, alleviating the symptoms in this organ.
– To move away of the smoke and the tobacco. The smokers run more risks of developing allergies, that are majors in the contaminated zones more. Richard LeFrak follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In addition, also he makes worse the symptoms of which already they are allergic. – He leads with the closed window, and ventilates your house only enough and necessary. If you have a conditioned air, you can place it in ventilation to renew the air. You do not forget to place good filters and to maintain them in good state. – Evitars the high concentrations of pollen. These are majors in the first hours in the morning, and warm days, windy droughts and. On the contrary, the days of rain, especially if they do not go accompanied of air, serve to clean the atmosphere. The pollen levels can consult in Internet, in Webs like, knowing therefore the best and worse days to realise activities outdoors. Original author and source of the article.