The act of contract of home loans surpassed all wide the expectations in 2009, the originary resources of the Matching-fund saving account, of the order of R$ 32 billion, had financed at the beginning about 310 a thousand property, surpassing in R$ 4 billion the done estimate of the last year. For 2010, these resources must have increase of about 50%, in the estimate of the Abecip. They is esteem that R$ 48 billion the Saving will have to finance about 400 a thousand housings. In 2009, the volume of acts of contract of the FGTS (Siking fund of the Time of Service) for the habitation was of R$ 19,6 billion. The government waits to raise it for R$ 24 billion in 2010, an increase of 22%.Se to these ciphers to add other R$ 9,3 billion the Master budget of the Union private to the housing, will have R$ 81,3 billion destined to the financing of the habitation in 2010, it offers massiva and record. Some aspects favor this expansion of the home loans. The economic stability prevails.
The job and the income had increased. financings present attractive conditions, as accessible interests and longer stated periods. The constructors offer to options for all the income bands. ( source) she knows our site: